Gas station market consolidation continues, TAM to acquire Tanker
The anti-trust authority PMÚ is reviewing a deal in which petrol station chain TAM (Marian Tóth) is buying its competitor Tanker (Peter...
Konsolidácia na trhu čerpacích staníc pokračuje, TAM kupuje Tanker
Protimonopolný úrad posudzuje transakciu, v rámci ktorej sieť čerpacích staníc TAM (Marian Tóth) kupuje konkurenčnú sieť Tanker (Peter...
Slovakia catches up on Western Europe
Economists point out that Slovakia stopped catching up with Western European living standards during the last decade. GDP per capita in...
Slovensko dobieha západnú Európu
Ekonómovia poukazujú na to, že počas poslednej dekády Slovensko už nedobieha životnú úroveň západnej Európy. HDP na obyvateľa v parite...
Marguerite to acquire a 25% stake in telecoms operator Swan
Investment fund Marguerite is to acquire a 25% stake in telecoms operator Swan (Ondriš brothers; brand 4ka) in exchange for €50m in...
35% income tax rate on salaries above €100,000 annually
The Finance Ministry is planning to introduce a 35% income tax rate on salaries above €100,000 annually from next year,
35% sadzba dane z príjmu na mzdy nad 100.000 € ročne
Ministerstvo financií plánuje od budúceho roka zaviesť 35% sadzbu dane z príjmu na mzdy nad 100.000 € ročne, tvrdia zdroje
Marguerite získa 25% v telekomunikačnom operátorovi Swan
Investičný fond Marguerite získa zhruba 25% podiel v telekomunikačnom operátorovi Swan (bratia Ondrišovci; značka 4ka) výmenou za kapitál...
Slovakia the largest customer for Russian gas and oil in the EU
Slovakia was the largest customer for Russian gas and oil in the EU in December, CREA data show. We paid €189m for oil and €127m for gas...
Scope Ratings downgraded Slovakia's sovereign rating
Scope Ratings downgraded Slovakia's sovereign rating from A+ to A, while Morningstar DRBS affirmed the rating but downgraded its outlook....