Slovnaft plans a €200m investment in waste incinerator
Slovnaft plans a €200m investment in a waste incinerator to replace the current 1970s facility. When it starts in 2029, it aims to burn...
Rheem Manufacturing to build water storage tanks plant in Prešov
US firm Rheem Manufacturing plans to build a new plant for the production of water storage tanks in Prešov and create 500 jobs there. The...
Slovnaft plánuje 200 mil. € investíciu do spaľovne odpadu
Slovnaft plánuje 200 mil. € investíciu do spaľovne odpadu, ktorá nahradí súčasné zariadenie zo 70-tych rokov. Po jej spustení v roku 2029...
Rheem Manufacturing plánuje v Prešove postaviť závod na výrobu zásobníkov na teplú vodu
Americká spoločnosť Rheem Manufacturing plánuje v Prešove postaviť nový závod na výrobu zásobníkov na teplú vodu a vytvoriť v ňom 500...
No big exit for Slovak start-ups this year
This year, there have been no big acquisitions of Slovak start-ups, says Peter Pašek, head of Accace, a consultancy. In previous years,...
Steep Plastique expands in Nitra
The Nitra plant of the French plastics manufacturer Steep Plastique is one of the 150 most profitable firms in the country, having posted...
Steep Plastique expanduje v Nitre
Nitriansky závod francúzskeho výrobcu plastov Steep Plastique patrí medzi 150 najziskovejších firiem v krajine, keď vlani pri tržbách...
Tento rok žiadny veľký exit pre start-up
Tento rok sa neudial žiadny veľký predaj slovenského start-upu, uviedol šéf poradenskej spoločnosti Accace Peter Pašek. V...
MultiplexDX raised €7.5m from investors
MultiplexDX (Pavol Čekan), which is developing a test for breast cancer, will complete an investment round by the end of the year,...
Allen & Overy is the largest law firm in Slovakia in terms of sales
Last year, the 10 largest law firms in Slovakia saw a 3.5% increase in revenues, while their net profit fell 4.9%, The Slovak Spectator...