Public opposition to 5G networks waned as conspiracy buffs now fight vaccines
Telecoms operator O2 will not meet its target of covering 20% of the Slovak population with 5G network this year, due to lack of...
Tax reform will only consist of corporate income tax cut
The coalition party SaS rejects four measures from the tax reform draft unveiled by Finance Minister Igor Matovič (OĽaNO). These are...
Odpor verejnosti proti 5G sieťam opadol, keďže dezinfoscéna teraz bojuje proti vakcínam
Telekomunikačný operátor O2 pre nedostatok komponentov nesplní cieľ pokryť 5G sieťou už tento rok 20% populácie. Je spokojný, že odpor...
Z daňovej reformy ostane len zníženie podnikovej dane z príjmu
Koaličná strana SaS zásadne odmieta štyri body z daňovej reformy ministra financií Igora Matoviča (OĽaNO). Ide o zrušenie stropov na...
About a million Slovaks do not have any antibodies to Covid-19
About a million Slovaks do not have any antibodies to Covid-19, which is half of unvaccinated people, a first such Slovak study showed....
Power production from fossil fuels in Slovakia is rising
Despite EU climate policy and the rising prices of emission allowances, electricity production from fossil fuels in Slovakia increased in...
Výroba elektriny z fosílnych zdrojov na Slovensku rastie
Napriek klimatickej politike EÚ a rastúcim cenám emisných povoleniek stúpla výroba elektriny z fosílnych zdrojov na Slovensku za prvých...
Žiadne protilátky proti Covid-19 nemá milión Slovákov
Žiadne protilátky proti Covid-19 nemá milión Slovákov, viac ako polovica neočkovaných ľudí, ukázala prvá podobná slovenská štúdia....
Second pension pillar again failed most of its clients
The second pension pillar again failed most of its clients this year. Of its 1.68m clients, 69% put money in bond funds that lost 0.08%...
Turčan Delta to lose lucrative contract
SPM, a Czech company, has submitted the lowest bid in the Interior Ministry’s car license plate tender, €4.10 per piece. The plates are...