Companies will get back VAT from unpaid invoices
A revision to the VAT Act, approved by the government last week, will allow companies to set unpaid invoices against their VAT tax base...
Mafia is still organizing lines in front of the Foreign Police
The mafia is still organizing lines in front of the Foreign Police in Bratislava where foreign workers or students must spend whole...
Mafia stále organizuje rady pred cudzineckou políciou
Mafia stále organizuje rady pred cudzineckou políciou v Bratislave, kde zamestnanci či študenti musia stáť celé noci, aby získali...
Firmy dostanú späť DPH z nezaplatených faktúr
Novela Zákona o DPH, ktorú schválila vláda minulý týždeň, umožní firmám znížiť základ dane o neuhradené faktúry a daňový úrad im vráti...
Arca Capital defaulted on €25.5m bonds
Highly indebted Arca Capital defaulted on €25.5m bonds maturing on August 12. It admits it is late with their repayment and invited...
New pandemic containment measures
The government adopted new pandemic containment measures as of September 1, announced Health Minister Marek Krajčí. All mass gatherings...
Problémy Arca Capital pokračujú
Skupina Arca Capital nevyplatila investorom dlhopisy v objeme 25,5 mil. € splatné 12. augusta. Investorom oznámila, že bude s výplatou...
Vláda od 1. septembra zavádza nové opatrenia proti šíreniu Covid-19
Vláda od 1. septembra zavádza nové opatrenia proti šíreniu Covid-19, informoval minister zdravotníctva Marek Krajčí. Zakazuje hromadné...
Banks might write off €120m loans due to the pandemic
About 9% of those households that requested loan payment deferrals will have problems repaying their loans once the deferral ends,...
Traditional suppliers again divided up contracts of ŽS Slovensko
The traditional suppliers of ŽS Slovensko, a state-run rail carrier, have divided up its two large tenders. ŽOS Vrútky (Budamar and...