Ján Sabol no longer wants to acquire postal operator Cromwell
The anti-trust authority PMÚ is no longer reviewing the acquisition of postal operator Cromwell (Peter Sucharda) by its smaller...
TV Markíza keeps its position of market leader
The TV group Markíza (also including channels Doma and Dajto) kept its leading position on the local TV market with a 28.5% share of the...
Ján Sabol už nechce kúpiť poštového operátora Cromwell
Protimonopolný úrad už neposudzuje kúpu poštového operátora Cromwell (Peter Sucharda) jeho menším konkurentom Tatra Billing (Ján Sabol) a...
TV Markíza stále trhovým lídrom
TV skupina Markíza (aj kanály Doma a Dajto) si udržala vedúce postavenie na slovenskom trhu aj počas prvých piatich mesiacov t.r., jej...
TMR acquired Austrian ski resorts
Tatry Mountain Resorts (Igor Rattaj), the owner of ski resorts in Slovakia, Czechia and Poland, has acquired two ski resorts in...
eKasa delayed by three months
The government decided that companies with cash registers not connected to tax authority FS servers won’t be fined until October 1. The...
eKasa sa odložila na 1. október
Vláda včera schválila legislatívu, podľa ktorej budú firmy bez pripojenia registračných pokladníc na servery Finančnej správy pokutované...
TMR kúpilo lyžiarske strediská v Rakúsku
Tatry Mountain Resorts (Igor Rattaj), ktorá vlastní lyžiarske strediská na Slovensku, v Čechách a Poľsku, kúpila dve lyžiarske strediská...
Uniqa acquired car accident insurance policies from Colonnade
Insurer Colonnade (previously QBE) is selling its 5,000 car accident insurance policies to another insurer, Uniqa. The price was not...
NBS to increase the banks’ counter-cyclical capital cushions
The central bank NBS made a preliminary decision on Tuesday to increase the banks’ counter-cyclical capital cushions, announced Governor...