Stellantis to make Citroën C3, C3 Aircross and Opel Crossland in Trnava
Car maker Stellantis will move the production of the Peugeot 208 from Trnava to Morocco and Spain in 2023-24 and will produce models...
Matovič against subsidy towards a new congress center
A committee consisting of Globsec (Róbert Vass), architects, and consulting firms has recommended that the government award a €60m...
Matovič zrušil dotáciu pre kongresové centrum
Komisia zástupcov Globsecu (Róbert Vass), architektov a poradenských spoločností odporučila vláde poskytnúť dotáciu 60 mil. € na nové...
Stellantis bude v Trnave vyrábať Citroën C3, C3 Aircross a Opel Crossland
Automobilka Stellantis v rokoch 2023-24 presunie výrobu modelu Peugeot 208 z Trnavy do Maroka a Španielska a na Slovensku bude vyrábať...
Government approved huge tax break to Magna
The government approved a €13.3m tax break for the €144m investment of Canadian company Magna PT into expansion of its plant for the...
Parliament approved budget as well as reforms of hospitals and forests
Parliament approved the public finance budget for 2022-24. Next year, the budget deficit is planned at 4.9% of GDP. Finance Minister Igor...
Vláda schválila obrovský stimul pre Magna
Vláda schválila 13,3 mil. € daňovú úľavu pre 144 mil. € investíciu kanadskej spoločnosti Magna PT do rozšírenia závodu na výrobu...
Parlament schválil rozpočet aj reformy nemocníc a lesov
Parlament schválil rozpočet verejnej správy na roky 2022-24. Budúci rok má činiť deficit verejných financií 4,9% HDP. Minister financií...
Hydac plans to add a new plant in Tvrdošín
Hydac Electronic, German maker of hydraulic systems, plans to build a new plant in Tvrdošín and create 270 new jobs. Earlier this year,...
Višňové highway tunnel over budget and delayed
The completion of the Višňové highway tunnel will be delayed and will be over budget, announced Skanska, which is completing the project....