Slovakia benefits from EU membership to the tune of 4% of GDP annually
Access to the EU single market increases Slovakia's GDP by more than 15%, a central bank NBS study estimates. Most of the benefits of EU...
Arca heading towards bankruptcy
Czech creditors of Arca Investments rejected a revised reorganization plan prepared by PwC and Dentons. The outcome will now be reviewed...
Arca smeruje do konkurzu
Veritelia Arca Investments v Česku odmietli prepracovaný plán na reorganizáciu insolventnej firmy, ktorý pripravili firmy PwC a Dentons....
Slovenský benefit z členstva v EÚ je 4% HDP ročne
Účasť na jednotnom trhu EÚ zvyšuje HDP Slovenska o viac ako 15%, tvrdí analýza centrálnej banky NBS. Najviac výhod členstva v únii tak...
Finviz the most profitable company
The TOP50 most profitable companies in Slovakia show net profits at the level of 17-73% of sales. Among them are parts manufacturer RP...
Public debt growth 7th-highest in EU
In 2020-22, during the pandemic and the energy crisis, Slovakia's public debt rose by 41% from €46.4bn to €65.3bn; in per capita terms,...
Rast verejného dlhu siedmy najvyšší v EÚ
V rokoch 2020-22, počas pandémie a energetickej krízy, stúpol verejný dlh Slovenska o 41% z 46,4 mld € na 65,3 mld €, v prepočte na osobu...
Najziskovejšou firmou je Finviz
TOP50 najziskovejších firiem na Slovensku vykazuje čisté zisky na úrovni 17-73% tržieb. Sú medzi nimi výrobca súčiastok RP Hujo, herné...
Slovakia has around 150 franchise concepts
Slovakia has around 150 franchise concepts and five more emerge every year, according to the Slovak Franchise Association. Almost 60%...
Slovakia wants to be included in Michelin Guide
Slovakia is the only country in Central Europe that does not cooperate with the Michelin Guide and Slovak restaurateurs have launched a...