No new hospital in Ružinov
Interior Minister Matúš Šutaj Eštok and Education Minister Tomáš Drucker do not see building a new hospital in Bratislava's Ružinov as a...
Minimum wage will rise to 60% of the average wage in the economy
The minimum wage will rise to 60% of the average wage in the economy from 2026, parliament approved. Currently it is 57%. Sectoral...
Minimálna mzda bude 60% priemernej mzdy v ekonomike
Minimálna mzda sa od roku 2026 zvýši na 60% priemernej mzdy v ekonomike, schválil parlament. V súčasnosti je to 57%. Odvetvové...
Nová nemocnica v Ružinove nebude
Ministri vnútra Matúš Šutaj Eštok a školstva Tomáš Drucker nevidia ako reálny zámer postaviť novú nemocnicu v bratislavskom Ružinove ....
56% of Slovak employees feel undervalued at work
Fully 56% of Slovak employees feel undervalued at work , a survey shows. Even the resumption of real wage growth did not...
Korean DH Autolead to build a €5m plant in Kysuce
South Korea’s DH Autolead , supplier of Kia and Hyundai, plans to build a €5m plant for the production of car steering wheels in Kysuce....
Nedocenene sa cíti 56% zamestnancov
Na Slovensku sa cíti v práci nedocenene 56% zamestnancov , ukázal prieskum portálu . Ani obnovenie rastu reálnych miezd...
Kórejská DH Autolead postaví nový závod na Kysuciach
Kórejská spoločnosť DH Autolead , dodávateľ automobiliek Kia a Hyundai, plánuje postaviť nový závod za 5 mil. € na výrobu volantov pre...
Heneken opened a new aluminum smelter in Izmir, Turkey
Heneken (Michal Hudoba) opened a new aluminum smelter in Izmir, Turkey. It is a greenfield project with a capacity of 36,000 tons of...
EU may stop the new tax on financial transactions
The EU may stop the new tax on financial transactions , as it also applies to transfers made by Slovak businesses on their accounts in...