Parliament approves massive increase in energy price compensations
MPs approved that around ten of the largest industrial energy consumers will get 35% of the price of emission allowances back. This will...
Pension managers profits fell last year
Revenues of the five pension managers in the second pension pillar fell 65% to €46.2m last year and their net profit plummeted 77% to...
Správcovia v druhom dôchodkovom pilieri vlani zaznamenali prudký pokles tržieb aj zisku
Tržby piatich správcov v druhom dôchodkovom pilieri vlani zaznamenali 65% pokles na 46,2 mil. € a ich čistý zisk sa prepadol o 77% na...
Parlament schválil masívne navýšenie kompenzácií cien energií
Poslanci schválili, že zhruba desať najväčších priemyselných spotrebiteľov energií dostane späť 35% z ceny emisných kvót. Kompenzácie pre...
Insurer Novis issued €20m in subordinated convertible bonds
Insurer Novis (Siegfried Fatzi, Rainer Norbert Alt and Michal Knap) issued €20m in subordinated convertible bonds. It plans to use the...
Parliament approved changes to zoning and building permit legislation
Parliament approved an extensive package of changes to the zoning and building permit legislation submitted by Sme rodina. It completes a...
Poisťovňa Novis vydala podriadené konvertibilné dlhopisy za 20 mil. €
Poisťovňa Novis (Siegfried Fatzi, Rainer Norbert Alt a Michal Knap) vydala podriadené konvertibilné dlhopisy za 20 mil. €. Peniaze chce...
Parlament schválil rozsiahly balík noviel stavebnej legislatívy
Parlament schválil rozsiahly balík noviel stavebnej legislatívy predložený stranou Sme rodina. Dokončuje vlani prijatú reformu stavebnej...
PKN Orlen will soon have 91 gas stations in Slovakia
Polish company PKN Orlen has taken over 41 Slovnaft gas stations in Slovakia last year and also bought Oliva stations. It currently has...
Agel expands in Slovakia
PMÚ, the anti-trust authority, okayed the sale of five healthcare facilities by ProCare and Svet zdravia (both controlled by Penta) to...