Glycanostics to get €2m from EIC Accelerator
Slovak biotech firm Glycanostics (Ján Tkáč and Tomáš Bertók) landed a €2m grant from the European Innovation Council. It is among the 65...
Government approved 2022-24 public finance budget
The government approved the 2022-24 public finance budget. The 2022 deficit is planned at 4.9% of GDP (down from 7-8% expected for this...
Vláda schválila rozpočet verejnej správy na roky 2022-24
Vláda schválila rozpočet verejnej správy na roky 2022-24. Na budúci rok je zatiaľ plánovaný schodok 4,9% HDP (tento rok sa očakáva 7-8%),...
Glycanostics uspela v EÚ
Slovenská biotechnologická spoločnosť Glycanostics (Ján Tkáč a Tomáš Bertók) získala 2 mil. € grant od Európskej rady pre inovácie. Je...
SPP to take over all clients of Slovakia Energy and lose tens of millions
Economy Minister Richard Sulík is exploring the option of SPP, the state-owned energy supplier, taking over supplies of both gas and...
Vaillant to invest €120m in Senica
The Economy Ministry proposed an €18m investment incentive (income tax break) for a €120m investment of German company Vaillant into a...
Vaillant investuje 120 mil. € v Senici
Ministerstvo hospodárstva navrhlo poskytnúť 18 mil. € investičný stimul (úľavu na dani z príjmu) pre 120 mil. € investíciu nemeckej...
SPP prevezme všetkých zákazníkov Slovakia Energy a prerobí desiatky miliónov
Minister hospodárstva Richard Sulík rokuje o možnosti, že štátny dodávateľ energií SPP prevezme všetkých vyše 300.000 klientov Slovakia...
Handtmann to invest €80m in Kechnec
The Economy Ministry has proposed a €4.5m investment stimulus (income tax break) for the €80m investment by German company Handtmann into...
ÚRSO intends to cut power distributors’ profits
Regulator ÚRSO intends to cut electricity prices by reducing distribution fees. It is therefore reducing the weighted average cost of...