Kočner not guilty, murder case moves to Supreme Court
The Specialized Criminal Court found Marian Kočner and Alena Zsuzsová not guilty of ordering the murder of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancé. It sentenced the killer, Tomáš Szabó, to 25 years (the other killer, Miroslav Marček, has already been sentenced to 23 years). Zoltán Andruskó, a go-between, admitted guilt and agreed on a 15-year prison sentence. The prosecutor is likely to appeal the ruling and the Supreme Court will deal with the case. Very few believe in Kočner’s innocence, but two of the three members of the court’s senate had doubts as all evidence against Kočner was indirect (they also dismissed direct evidence against Zsuzsová). President Zuzana Čaputová is shocked and she, as well as other politicians, believes the Supreme Court will overturn the ruling. Kočner stays in prison, serving a 19-year sentence for forging bills of exchange. Zsuzsová remains in custody as she faces charges of ordering the murder of several prosecutors as well as the mayor of Hurbanovo.