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Cap on health insurers’ profits at 0.2% of collected premiums

Renáta Bláhová, the new head of ÚDZS, the healthcare authority, proposed capping health insurers’ profits at 0.2% of collected premiums. This comes to €10m annually for all three insurers. If an insurer posts higher profit, the money would be used to pay for health treatments. ÚDZS says the low profit cap stems from the low risk insurers face. The coalition party SaS rejects this proposal and the coalition has set up a committee to deal with the issue. SaS proposed linking the cap to other duties insurers would have to meet that would benefit their clients.

Back in 2007, Smer banned health insurers from distributing dividends, but the Constitutional Court struck the ban down.

Táto správa je z Ekonomiky DNES, denného prehľadu najdôležitejších ekonomických správ zo Slovenska.

This news is from the Slovak Business News TODAY, one-page summary of all the important Slovak business news.

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