Rent for 3-room state apartment in Bratislava should be €658
Deputy PM Štefan Holý (Sme rodina) put forward a system for setting rents in state-subsidized rental apartments. Rent for a 3-room apartment in Bratislava should be capped at €658 per month, in Trnava €481, and in Prešov €391. Companies’ contributions towards rents of their employees will be tax deductible up to €360. The current market rent in Bratislava for a 3-room apartment, including utilities, is €967, 32% above the cap. Holý wants the rent to be half of an average mortgage payment. A monthly mortgage for an average apartment, given a 2.8% interest rate, is €1,167. The government has not yet approved criteria for eligible tenants.
Holý says that investors YIT, VIG, bwsg, and Heimstaden have already expressed interest in building 40,000 rental apartments. It remains to be seen when the first of them hit the market.