NDS will collect toll after 2024
The national highway firm NDS will this fall call a tender for the new toll system, said Transport Minister Andrej Doležal (Sme rodina). Once the toll system is built, the NDS will buy and operate it. By 2022, the current system will collect €2bn in tolls, of which its operator, SkyToll (Petr Syrovátko) will keep half. The new system should collect €2.5bn in ten years and its running costs should be €350m. As the new system won’t be ready by the end of 2022, when the SkyToll contract expires, Doležal will either extend the contract with SkyToll, return to paper stickers, or use the toll system for cars temporarily.
Doležal wants the new system to stop monitoring 3rd class roads. He wants to charge for use of some 2nd class roads parallel to highways. He does not plan to increase toll rates in the coming two years.