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Slota acquired Tesco shopping center in Bratislava’s center, on Kamenné Square

Local businessman George Trabelssie is the new owner of the Tesco shopping center in Bratislava’s center, on Kamenné Square. In 2016-17, he acquired Tesco’s shopping centers in Nitra and Žilina. In Trenčín, he owns a regional bus carrier SAD and for long time has been preparing the construction of a new terminal with a shopping center. Trabelssie has always denied he is managing the assets of ex-Žilina mayor Ján Slota.

In the past, developer Lordship, which owns the nearby Hotel Kyjev and land on the square, had also been interested in the Tesco center.

Táto správa je z Ekonomiky DNES, denného prehľadu najdôležitejších ekonomických správ zo Slovenska.

This news is from the Slovak Business News TODAY, one-page summary of all the important Slovak business news.

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