Alternative postal operators Cromwell and Tatra Billing plan merger
The alternative postal operator Tatra Billing (Ján Sabol) and Štefan Petergáč, Jozef Mokrý and Peter Kotuliak (owners of IT firms Datalan and Tempest), are about to acquire the largest alternative postal operator Cromwell, according to sources of journalist Adam Valček. Cromwell is officially owned by Peter Sucharda, and financed by J&T. If the merger of Cromwell and Tatra Billing is okayed by the anti-trust authority PMÚ, competition on the market of addressed transaction and marketing mail will weaken further. PMÚ is investigating whether the conditions of the state mail company, Slovenská pošta, enhance the position of the two large operators and prevent the entry of start-ups.
Allegedly, the merger does not impact Cromwell’s subsidiary Paywell, which processes highway toll payments and has unusually high profit margins.