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Slovakia may return to paper stickers

It seems likely the new truck toll system will not be ready in January 2023 when the contract with the current operator, SkyToll, expires. Bidders in tenders for the new toll system are likely to file objections that will cause delays. In 2023 the government will either have to extend its contract with SkyToll or return to the system of paper stickers. SkyToll is so expensive that the state revenues may even increase with paper stickers. The toll’s only advantage is fairness, as trucks pay based on actual mileage. The bidders object to the request of the NDS, the highway operator, to hand over the system’s copyright for deployment in other countries. The NDS could thus compete with them abroad. They also argue that NDS unfairly favors SkyToll by allowing the use of old on-board units.


Táto správa je z Ekonomiky DNES, denného prehľadu najdôležitejších ekonomických správ zo Slovenska.

This news is from the Slovak Business News TODAY, one-page summary of all the important Slovak business news.

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