Mäsokombinát Púchov expands rapidly
Meat company Mäsokombinát Púchov (Baron brand) is projecting sales of €40m this year, after its net profit rose 45% to €0.4m last year and sales rose 30% to €30.2m. It uses the former Púchovský mäsový priemysel plant and is owned by a group around its CEO, Pavel Farský. Mikuláš Bobák owns 25%. His Tami group with plants in Kežmarok, Nitra, and Senica is the largest domestic milk producer, with annual sales of €200m. He also owns Mäsokombinát Nord Svit with €20m in sales.
The biggest players in meat processing in Slovakia are Mecom (owned by Smithfield) and Tauris (Milan Fiľo).