Courts have handed down verdicts in the cases of over 40 criminals from the Smer era
Courts have already handed down verdicts in the cases of over 40 criminals from the Smer era. They include police officers, prosecutors, judges, heads of the tax authority FS, as well as businessmen. Many of them have pleaded guilty and received low suspended sentences (SS). They all used the “our people" system led by Robert Fico, Robert Kaliňák, Jozef Brhel, and Norbert Bödör. The biggest fish among those convicted are former special prosecutor Dušan Kováčik (8 years for corruption), former heads of tax authority FS František Imrecze and Lenka Wittenbergerová (both 5-year SS), judges Miriam Repáková (3-year SS) and Pavol Polka (5-year SS), as well as businessmen Zoroslav Kollár (€70,000 fine), Ladislav Bašternák (5 years imprisonment), and Marian Kočner (19 years for forging bills). The only convicted politician is Ján Slota (2-year SS for corruption). Several people cooperating with the police, such as Ľudovít Makó and Michal Suchoba, have not yet been sentenced.