Mafioso Marian Kočner
Marian Kočner cultivated friendly relations with Jaroslav Haščák (Penta’s partner), Martin Glváč (deputy Speaker of Parliament) and Dobroslav Trnka (former Prosecutor General) and ordered Ján Kuciak’s murder due to his investigative journalism, reads the 25-page police report summarizing the charges against Kočner that the N daily got hold of. Kočner wanted prosecutor Maroš Žilinka killed and paid €20,000 in advance, but Zoltán Andruskó refused to carry out the murder. Hačšák paid Kočner €1m for the Gorila dossier wiretaps and helped him many times through his media empire (Haščák denies this). Trnka blackmailed Haščák using the wiretaps. Kočner paid Alena Zsuzsová for compromising materials on influential men and unsuccessfully pushed Glváč for the job of Interior Minister. Before being arrested in summer 2018, Kočner was working on escaping abroad.