Irresponsible government and parliament pushed risk of default to 18%
Budget decisions taken in 2022 and in the first half of this year have increased Slovakia's probability of defaulting on long-term...
Slovakia is among the least innovative countries in the EU
Slovakia is again among the least innovative countries in the EU in this year’s European Innovation Scoreboard compiled by the European...
Slovensko patrí do skupiny najmenej inovatívnych krajín EÚ
Európska komisia aj tento rok zaradila Slovensko do skupiny najmenej inovatívnych krajín EÚ, ukazuje jej European Innovation Scoreboard....
Nezodpovedná vláda a parlament zvýšili riziko štátneho bankrotu na 18%
Rozpočtové rozhodnutia prijaté v roku 2022 a v prvom polroku t.r. zvýšili pravdepodobnosť defaultu na dlhodobé záväzky (bankrotu)...
HP Tronic and Nay to team up
ÚOHS, the Czech anti-trust authority, is reviewing the creation of a holding company by electronics retailers HP Tronic (Danuše...
Bicycle market plummeted 40%
Following the pandemic boom, the European bicycle market has plummeted 40% this year and the market for cheap bikes by 60%, reckons...
Trh s bicyklami sa prepadol o 40%
Po pandemickom boome sa tento rok európsky trh s bicyklami prepadol o 40% a trh s lacnými bicyklami dokonca o 60%, tvrdí slovenský...
HP Tronic a Nay sa spájajú
Český Protimonopolný úrad posudzuje vytvorenie holdingu predajcami elektroniky HP Tronic (Danuše Hradilová) a Nay (Peter Zálešák a Ján... bought travel portal (Tatiana Ondrejková), the largest online airline ticket seller on the Slovak market, bought travel portal from the...
Parties want to slap a bank levy
Special taxes on the banking sector, such a bank levy, have not been ruled out by any of the relevant parties except SaS and Demokrati....